- A concurrently enrolled student will be classified as non-degree seeking.
- 一个同时入学的学生在任何一个学期中,不包括在高中校园或中学中心在正常上课时间上课的课程,不得超过九个学时. 例外情况可由高中行政部门与并行招生计划工作人员合作作出.
- Students enrolled concurrently must maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA each semester of bg真人游戏注册 enrollment. Students failing to achieve a 2.累计平均绩点低于2分者,下学期将被留校察看.00. 只要学生的学期平均成绩达到2分,学生将继续留校察看.00 or higher and their cumulative GPA is less than 2.00. Students will be placed on academic suspension if, while on academic probation, they fail to achieve a 2.00 semester GPA and the cumulative GPA continues to be less than 2.在被归类为攻读学位之前,学生不得重新入学, 通常在高中毕业或完成GED证书之后. 例外情况将需要学术领导和学生成功团队的批准.
- 所有安排第三方支付学费和费用的责任由学生承担.
- 有资格参加下列通识教育/转学课程以获得大学学分, 根据12年级标准(或可比的ACCUPLACER分数),并行学生必须达到以下最低ACT分数:
* with qualifying math index score
北卡罗来纳大学的学术课程对学生学习成果遵循HLC标准的同步大学学分进行监督, faculty credentialing, etc.